Wednesday 8 August 2012

Kama - Turisas - The Varangian Way

Well this was a weird thing to catch on ebay. Long ago when I was an ebay rat, I would dig every corner of that website looking for any kind of rarities from bands I like. And Turisas was one of those bands.

This is a promo version of their second album, "The Varangian Way". It's weird because its in a DVD case. And it also feature the bonus DVD that comes with the limited edition! I've never seen a promo like this. Obviously the DVD is a hand made copy, but the CD is official. The cover is printed in those ordinary glossy papers from normal DVDs.

I don't know if the guy made this to look more atractive to buyers by adding the bonus DVD or it's really official.

1 comment:

  1. I've just picked up a copy of this exact same promo - CD only - in a local thrift store. It has an A4 flyer on yellowish paper (a little like manuscript to look at) with the usual record label hype for the album etc. Cool piece!
