Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Kama - The Storyteller Collection

Ok, so this time I'll show you guys a very simple collection.

I've heard about this band a few years ago, back in 2007 I think. I was really into power metal so I started to search for every kind of band of this genre around the internet. And The Storyteller was among those bands!

When I listened to their music, specially the debut album, I was hooked for quite some time. They don't do anything new or different than many other bands of this genre, but I really liked the vocalist tone and the fast guitars with very melodic lines, exactly what I was looking for back then.

But took me a really good time to find their cds! The first I bought was their last before they disband (although they have returned this year!) on ebay. But since thats no longer an option for me, my Storyteller discography was on hold.

But then I was shopping the other day on a very famous gallery here in Brazil (Galeria do Rock) and found out they had some cds released here by Hellion Records! So I got my Tales from a Holy Quest that day.

Their 2 first albums though were really hard to find. But not until recently, when I found a brazilian website that had both albums for a very nice price!! So I didn't think twice and got them right away!

Now I'm only missing their EP "Seed of Lies" which is going to take some effort to find. But nonetheless, at least their full-lenght albums I already own! Too bad there are no limited editions that I'm aware...




Shelf Vision
For more info on The Storyteller: Metal-Archives

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