Wednesday 1 August 2012

Coming Soon...

Hello folks!

This is a new website dedicated to the marvelous world of colletions of heavy metal cds.
Soon there will be tons of pictures and videos from many collectors around the world willing to display their grand pieces of arts!

Not only this site will show collections, but it will also be a repository of pictures and informations about limited editions of many bands. We are not centered on a single style or genre of metal, so anything from Black Metal to Hard Rock is welcome.

At this moment we are still figuring out the looks and features of the website, so in the meanwhile it will be a bit slow over here. Also I have a lot of pictures to take from my own collection!

So in the few days we will be seeing some action here. As for now, I shall keep this place tidy for the most awesome collections of metal of all time :)

See you guys later!

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