Friday 3 August 2012

How to display your collection and rarities

Hello everyone! Welcome to our humble website.

So, you want to show that awesome first press of a debut album? Or maybe that 143 panels digipak with 24 bonus cds that was only released in Ukraine for fanclub members during one month in the band 48th anniversary? We would be honored!

So what should you do? Just send us an email at or and tell us the background story of your collection or rarity (its optional, actually. If you don't want to say anything it's ok too!) and of course the picture(s) you want to display!

But if you think you would be sending too much emails with pictures since you update your collections very often, you can also join our team as an author and post whenever you want! We would be honored and happy to add you to our team! The more collectors the merrier!

Also if you want to give some feedback or ask any question, feel free to sent us an email aswell, and of course, comment in any post that you have interest to know more about.

This is a growing project. We hope to have this around for a long time and be able to show how big the metal community is and how dedicated the fans are! We are proud to own CDs, DVDs and LPs in this dark era for the music industry. We support the bands we love! So if you share the same feeling, we invite you to be one of us!

Hope everyone enjoy their ride here!



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